Yesterday, HB 1557 (the Don't Say Gay bill) passed in the House of Representatives with 69 yeas and 47 nays. While the vote was disappointing and shameful, our efforts had an impact and we were able to flip key South Florida Representatives to nays. We applaud the South Florida Representatives that took a stance against this hateful legislation:
Rep. Vance Aloupis
Rep. Robin Bartleman
Rep. Christopher Benjamin
Rep. Demi Busatta Cabrera
Rep. Daryl Campbell
Rep. Kevin Chambliss
Rep. Dan Daley
Rep. Nick Duran
Rep. Joseph Geller
Rep. Michael Gottieb
Rep. Michael Grieco
Rep. Christine Hunschofsky
Rep. Evan Jenne
Rep. Dottie Joseph
Rep. Chip LaMarca
Rep. James Mooney
Rep. Anika Omphroy
Rep. Felicia Robinson
Rep. Patricia Williams
Rep. Marie Woodson
It is up to us to keep fighting back and work to kill the Don't Say Gay bill in the Senate. SB 1834 is schedule to be heard in it's second of three Committees on Monday, February 28th at 10:30 am. We need you to take a minute right now and call our South Florida Senators and urge them to oppose SB 1834.
Senator Ileana Garcia: 850-487-5037
Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez: 850-487-5039
After you call the Senators today, we need you to help make calls from home to pro-equality voters and connect them with their Senators. It is easy, and we will give you all the tools and training that you need to have high impact conversations with voters. Our next phonebank will be on Monday, February, 28th at 5:30 pm. Sign up here to take action!
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